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Amazon DynamoDB Connector

Author: Scott Banducci (


Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. The Amazon DynamoDB Connector enables you to:

  1. Create a Table
  2. Put Item in a Table (STRING ATTRIBUTES ONLY. Putting item with non-string attributes is pending an update to this connector)
  3. Read Item
  4. Update Item
  5. Delete Item
  6. Query Table



For information and setup help, see the following sections of the Amazon documentation:


To use the connector, you'll need:

  • An Amazon DynamoDB Account
  • Your DynamoDB Account 'Access ID' and 'Secret Access Key'
    • these can be found by clicking the account username (in the top right of your DynamoDB homepage) -> Security Credentials -> Access Keys
  • The 'AWS Region' you are going to be using

Setting up the connector

In Davinci, add a Amazon DynamoDB connection via the "Connections" tab. For help, see Adding a connection.

Connector settings

Once you've added the connection click on its logo, or click the "···" button and "Edit".

You will see the connector's details pop-up. On the GENERAL tab, enter in your

1) AWS Access Key 2) AWS Secret Access Key 3) AWS Region

and click apply. This ensures that whenever you use this connector in a flow you will not have to reenter enter this information.

Using the connector in a flow

The Amazon DynamoDB connector allows you to Create a Table , Put (limited to String Only Attributes), Read(Get), Update and Delete an item in a Table and Query a Table.

First, add the Amazon DynamoDB connector via the "Connections" tab (remember to setup your Access tokens and AWS region). In the DaVinci Flow Studio add an Amazon DynamoDB connector. Then choose the capability you'd like to use it for. You will then need to select the parameters from previous nodes in the flow (ex. an HTML form) to populate the fields.

Create a Table

Simply add the node to your flow and select the Create a Table capability. You must enter a Table Name.

Next add the Attribute Name and Type fields for your table. These will be your tables attributes. Each Key will be an Attribute Name and the corresponding Value will be the Type (ex. Key: Name, Value: S).

Finally, add the Attribute Name and Key Type fields for your primary key and sort keys. Put the Attribute Name in the Key field and the corresponding Key Type in the Value field (ex. KEY: Name, Value: HASH).

Put Item in a Table (String Attribute Items ONLY)

NOTE: This connector requires that all the Attribute Types be String. In a future update expect enablement of multi-typed Attributes for the PutItem capability.

To put an item into a table add the Amazon DynamoDB connector to your flow, choose the Put Item into Table (String Value Attributes ONLY) capability and input the Table Name. Next select your marhsall and unmarshall options using the toggle switches provided. Finally, put the Key/Attribute Name in the Key field and the corresponding Initial Value in the Value field (ex. KEY: Name, Value: John Smith).

Read Item from Table

To put an item into a table add the Amazon DynamoDB connector to your flow, choose the Read Item from Table capability and input the Table Name.

Next select your marhsall and unmarshall options using the toggle switches provided.

Finally, create a JSON object in the Key object code field. NOTE: This includes the ENTIRE key schema; Primary and Sort Keys.

EXAMPLE: { "Name": "Phil", //primary key "Phone": "123" //sort key }

Update an Item

To Update an item into a table add the Amazon DynamoDB connector to your flow, choose the Update an Item capability and input the Table Name.

Next select your marhsall and unmarshall options using the toggle switches provided.

Create a JSON object in the Key object code field. NOTE: This includes the ENTIRE key schema; Primary and Sort Keys. (see example above in Read Item from Table)

Next, add JSON objects fro any substitutions for Attribute Names or Attribute Values using the Expression Attribute Names and Expression Attribute Values code fields.

Example for Expression Attribute Names:

Example for Expression Attribute Values:

Finally, use the Update Expression Clause field to update the desired fields. Do not use any quotation marks. (ex. set #c = :c ).

Delete Item

To Delete an item into a table add the Amazon DynamoDB connector to your flow, choose the Delete Item capability and input the Table Name.

Create a JSON object in the Key object code field for the Item you wish to Delete. NOTE: This includes the ENTIRE key schema; Primary and Sort Keys. (see example above in Read Item from Table)

Query a Table

To query a table add the Amazon DynamoDB connector to your flow, choose the Query a Table capability and input the Table Name.

Next select your marhsall and unmarshall options using the toggle switches provided.

You may enter an Index Name, Filter Expression, Projection Expression and Limit if required. See Query documentation for details.

Next, add JSON objects fro any substitutions for Attribute Names or Attribute Values using the Expression Attribute Names and Expression Attribute Values code fields.

Example for Expression Attribute Names:

Example for Expression Attribute Values:

Finally, use the Key Condition Expression field to query the desired fields. Do not use any quotation marks. (ex. #n = :n and #e = :e ).


Put Item (putItem)

Writes an Item into a DynamoDB Table

Table Name textField

The name of the Table.

Items Key/Value List keyValueList

A key-value list of the Attribute-Value pairs of the item. NOTE: All values must be strings.

Items (JSON format) codeEditor

A code field to enter JSON object.

Get Item (getItem)

Gets an Item from a DynamoDB Table

Table Name textField

The name of the Table.

Key of Item keyValueList

A key-value list of the Attribute-Value pairs of the item. NOTE: All values must be strings.

Key of Item (JSON format) codeEditor

A code field to enter JSON object.

Delete Item (deleteItem)

Deletes an Item in a DynamoDB table.

Table Name textField

The name of the Table.

Key of Item keyValueList

A key-value list of the Attribute-Value pairs of the item. NOTE: All values must be strings.

Key of Item (JSON format) codeEditor

A code field to enter JSON object.

Scan a Table (scanTable)

Scans a DynamoDB table.

Table Name textField

The name of the Table.

Filter Expression textArea

Conditions applied after a Query but before the data is returned. (See connector documentation for further info on FilterExpression).

Expression Attribute Values codeEditor

One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.

Query a Table (queryTable)

Queries a DynamoDB table.

Table Name textField

The name of the Table.

Key Condition Expression textField

The condition that specifies the key values for items to be retrieved by the Query action.

Expression Attribute Values codeEditor

One or more values that can be substituted in an expression.

Make Custom S3 SDK Call (makeCustomSDKCall)

Make your own SDK call by passing an S3 SDK command and parameters.

SDK Custom Call Command Name textField

The name of the SDK command you want to call (ex. getObject, createBucket)

SDK Custom Call Parameters keyValueList

A key value list that will create a JSON object that will be passed as the arguments for your custom command


Create a Table:
NOTE: Key fields for List of Attribute Name and Key Type must have a corresponding Key field in List of Attribute Name and Type.

Put Item into Table (String Value Attributes ONLY): NOTE: This capability is intended to be expanded upon in a future update to allow Put Item commands for Items with any type of Attributes (such as Number, List, etc.). Currently, all Attributes (which will have the Attribute Name entered in the Key field) must be of type String.

Read Item from Table: NOTE: A JSON object should be entered into the Key object code field. This means you should include { } at start and end. NOTE: Your Key object should contain all Primary and Sorting keys.

Update an Item: NOTE: Read Item from Table troubleshooting NOTEs apply here as well. NOTE: Expression Attribute Names and Expression Attribute Values code fields should include { } at start and end. NOTE: Update Expression Clause should have no quotation marks ( neither " nor ' ).

Delete Item: NOTE: A JSON object should be entered into the Key object code field. This means you should include { } at start and end.

Query a Table: NOTE: A JSON object should be entered into the Key object code field. This means you should include { } at start and end. NOTE: Expression Attribute Names and Expression Attribute Values code fields should include { } at start and end. NOTE: Technically only Table Name is required but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you include a Key Condition Expression such as: #n = :n and #e = :e. DO NOT INCLUDE QUOTATIONS.


  • This connector has limited capabilities compared to the full extent of the Amazon DynamoDB SDK. Most Notably, this connector does not allow Put commands for items that have non-string attributes. This functionality is intended to be added at a future date. If you'd like to see more capabilities added or have other suggestions, please let your Ping contact know.